LIBR 596 – Emily Carr University of Art + Design Library and Archives

Emily Carr University of Art + Design Library and Archives

520 East 1st Avenue,
Vancouver, B.C. V5T 0H2
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Supervising Librarian/Archivist
Name: Michelle Ng

Purpose of the project:

There are two main projects and one optional one, should the student be interested / time permit.

Project 1: Permitted uses display update

  • The purpose of this project is to ensure that permitted uses for subscription databases are publicly displayed on access points, implementing compliance with contractual obligations and limiting liability to the institution for authorized user misuse.

Project 2: A-Z databases list audit and clean-up

  • The purpose of this project is to help users more easily find the databases that meet their needs in the A-Z list, as well as lay the foundations for streamlining future workflows when creating LibGuides. This could be done in parallel with the permitted uses display update.

Project 3: Enhance grey literature research support

  • The purpose of this project is to support upper level and Masters’ students in their research by providing a curated list of art + design-related grey literature resources, thus streamlining access to these resources, as well as a guide on how to search in them.

Summary of activities required to carry out the project:

Project 1:

  • Code database, journal and active single title streaming licences according to permitted uses and licensing priorities
  • Configure LibApps A-Z database module for display of permitted uses
  • Update or populate listed databases with permitted uses and other use advice
  • Update single title streaming videos in Kaltura with permitted use notices
  • Conduct an environmental survey on integrating permitted use display into EDS
    • especially with an eye to those for journals and videos not listed in the A-Z; what other EDS-using institutions have integrated display into discovery
  • If project progress allows or interest of student, redline 1-2 licence(s) from scratch to support vendor negotiations. Objective is to bring all library licensed resources into alignment with licensing priorities and academic market norms.

Project 2:

  • Revise + Rewrite A-Z database list
    • Review subject and database type fields and identify potential for streamlining and/or adding any additional helpful subjects – potential here for some user testing
    • Propose and document field conventions based on common/best practices
    • Implement proposals
    • Rewrite database descriptions for web readability and utility

Project 3 (optional):

  • Perform an environmental scan of similar guides at other institutions, particularly art + design programs
  • Gather list of resources for searching, databases, indexes etc
  • Enhance grey literature offerings in A-Z database list
  • Propose a structure for the guide, keeping in mind the context it exists within
  • Create the guide

Expectations of the end result of the project, for both host and student:

ECU will have a fully updated public display of permitted uses for subscription databases and improved contractual compliance. We will also have an improved user experience of our A-Z database list and improve discoverability and access to our databases. If time and interest permits, we will have enhanced research and instruction support for grey literature in art + design research.

The student will gain familiarity with the e-resources life cycle, particularly academic licensing for databases, the logistics of managing licence compliance and managing e-resource discovery and access. They will also have gained industry awareness of major databases for general academic purposes as well as in art + design. They will also hone their web writing skills and gain experience working with LibApps.

This position is a combination of in-person and remote work.

Time periods in which the project could be supervised:

  • Winter Term 2 (January – April)

Is there a deadline by which the project must be completed?

End of April 2025.

Considering the project requirements, please suggest suitable coursework as pre-requisite or co-requisite:

  • LIBR core courses

Recommended (may inform your learning but not strictly necessary):

  • LIBR 575 Academic Libraries
  • LIBR 580 Collection Management

Applications deadline: January 5, 2025