Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre
50-950 West 41st Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 2N7
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Supervising Librarian/Archivist
Name: Ada Alster
Purpose of the project:
This project aims to build upon a previous professional experience at the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre (VHEC), that focused on the digitization and description of audiocassette recordings in the VHEC archival collection. In the initial phase, the student digitized the audiocassette tapes and provided descriptions of their content and condition. The second part of the project involves enhancing the archival descriptions to adhere to the Rules of Archival Description (RAD), inputting description and condition notes into collective access, conducting rights analysis on the tapes, and doing digital preservation tasks.
Summary of activities required to carry out the project:
This project must take place on-site at the VHEC. Hours are flexible within the hours of operation. Training will be provided by the Archivist.
Quality Control
- Ensure quality control of digitized media files
- Transfer any remaining files to VHEC server storage using TeraCopy to ensure data integrity
- Ensure files are in the preferred Library of Congress (LOC) recommended formats for preservation (.wav) and access (.mp3)
- Create and fine-tune collection- and item-level description for tapes
- Investigate copyright and access restrictions on audio recordings that were not created by the VHEC
- Input description, rights, and preservation metadata in the VHEC Collections Management System (
Digital Preservation
- Assess levels of preservation for tapes (decide which tapes should be preserved for long-term preservation on LTO storage)
- Create md5 checksums and other digital preservation metadata and input them into the digital preservation management module in collective access
- Export descriptive and preservation metadata from the CMS and create archival bags for digital preservation
- Transfer tapes selected (if any) for long-term preservation to LTO tapes
Expectations of the end result of the project, for both host and student:
Audio records will be described and uploaded in the VHEC CMS, and digital preservation initiatives at the VHEC will be met.
The end result of the project for the student includes gaining experience in post-processing audio records after digitization, conducting quality control, and digital preservation initiatives. They’ll also develop skills in rights assessment and assessing levels of digital preservation, along with credit for description work alongside the previous professional experience student.
Time periods in which the project could be supervised:
- Winter Term 1 (September – December)
- Winter Term 2 (January – April)
- Summer Session, Term 1 (May – June)
- Summer Session, Term 2 (July – August)
Is there a deadline by which the project must be completed?
No deadline.
Considering the project requirements, please suggest suitable coursework as pre-requisite or co-requisite:
Completion of ARST core courses.
- ARST 515 Arrangement & Description of Archival Materials
- ARST 550 Management of AV, Non-Textual Archives
- ARST 555 The Preservation of Digital Records
Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis.