Archives and Manuscripts is inviting submissions of up to 5,000 words for publication in late 2015 or 2016.
Aims and Scope
Archives and Manuscripts is the professional and scholarly journal of the Australian Society of Archivists Inc., publishing refereed articles, reviews, and information about the theory and practice of archives and recordkeeping in Australasia and around the world. Its target audiences are archivists and other recordkeeping professionals, the academic community, and all involved in the study and interpretation of archives.
Archives and Manuscripts is the leading peer-reviewed archival journal published in the Australasian region and has been published continuously since 1955. Over the past 60 years, Archives and Manuscripts has published hundreds of articles by archival and recordkeeping academics, researchers, practitioners, students and theorists. In recent years, the journal has published articles on:
– developments in Web 2.0 and the impact of these technologies on archival and recordkeeping work
– developments in archival data visualization
– developments in metadata and electronic recordkeeping systems
– the management of emails as electronic records
– audio-visual archives
– the history of recordkeeping formats
– the role of archives and records in Aboriginal communities
– personal recordkeeping and literary archives
– the application of records continnum theory to emerging social media
– developments and case studies in recordkeeping in the Asia-Pacific region
– the community records of marginalised groups in society
– the implications of collections sector convergence for archives
– developments in archival jurisdictions around the world including South Africa, Sweden and Canada.
Emerging Writers Award
If you are an emerging writer, another benefit of submitting your article to Archives and Manuscripts is that you will be eligible to win the journal’s annual Emerging Writers Award (value AUD $1,000). To be eligible to win this award, authors must have their article accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed section of the journal and be an emerging writer who:
– is currently enrolled in a graduate program or within 3 years after the date of graduation, and/or
– has previously published fewer than 5 peer-reviewed articles in an archives/recordkeeping journal.
Further information
Further information, including guidelines and style requirements for prospective authors and submission deadlines, is available on the journal’s webpage ( or by contacting the General Editor, Sebastian Gurciullo (