Recruit a Student

UBC School of Information students bring a wide range of skills, talents, and experiences to the workplace. Gain support with your projects and initiatives by recruiting one of our students.

We have worked with more than 150 organizations in the Lower Mainland, Canada, and beyond to provide hands-on learning experiences for our students.

Past jobs have included:

  • Research librarian at the Library of Parliament
  • Internship at the United Nations Sustainable Development Archives
  • Technical services student librarian at UBC’s Xwi7xwa Library
  • Digital and social media coordinator at the Canadian Journal of Library & Information Practice and Research
  • Archives assistant at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre Archives.

Types of job opportunities

Our job board connects UBC School of Information students with job opportunities during their studies, including paid and unpaid work, professional experience placements or other project-based work.

Professional experience

Is a work placement 3-credit course. It is project-oriented and intended to give student-focused and in-depth experience in one area of professional practice under supervision. To post a professional experience work placement, you must fill out the professional experience proposal form.

Co-op Work Term

Hire students through the UBC Arts Co-op Program to complete special projects and support peak work periods. Students are available for 4 or 8 month paid work terms, starting in January, May or September.

Submit a job opportunity

To submit your work opportunities for current students and alumni, please complete the form below.

Employers submit opportunities using our online form below.

Each work opportunity should fit into one of the following categories:

  • Full-time (35 hours + per week)
  • Part-time (less than 35 hours per week)
  • Professional Experience (LIBR/ARST 596, see above)
  • Internship
  • Volunteer

Professional experience opportunities

We will post professional experience opportunities for a maximum of six months. If there are no applicants after this time, the employer and the Educational Services Manager can discuss reframing or altering the proposal and re-posting for another six months.

Jobs for recent graduates and alumni

We will also post jobs for recent graduates and alumni. If the position has an “open until filled” deadline, we will post it on the board for 30 days, after which time we will delete the post.

If you are looking for alumni with many years of experience, you can also post their jobs on the BCLA Partnership Job Board or other venues.

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