We are officially the School of Information!

UBC School of Information


We are proud to announce that, effective January 1st 2020, the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (SLAIS) in the Faculty of Arts at the University of British Columbia has officially changed its name to School of Information, using “iSchool” as an informal shortened form.

This name change is the logical conclusion of more than a decade of evolution of the School’s scope and orientation, mirroring broader changes within the disciplinary areas of library, archival and information studies.

“We are thrilled to have a succinct and descriptive name that reflects the current nature of our School’s research and teaching commitments and the evolution of the information professions”,

Luanne Freund, Director of the School of Information.

The School of Information has been a premiere institution for information professionals since it was established in 1961 and is known internationally for the quality of its graduate programs. The School is a Tier one member of the international iSchools organization and, in 2019, was ranked best in the world in the subject area of library and information management (QS World Rankings). As a leading School in the field, the new name reflects the forward-looking, interdisciplinary perspective of our students and faculty that earned the school a top ranking.

Under this new designation, the School of Information looks forward to shaping and extending our programs and course offerings in keeping with ongoing developments in information, technology and society and in response to new opportunities for our students, graduates and faculty members.