The day has finally come for the UBC School of Information to join the hordes of branded tote bags on the UBC campus! With lots of room for books, a zipper to keep everything safe, and a beautiful illustration by Master of Archival Studies student Maya Parker (they/them), we think that these tote bags are the perfect accessory.
We’re so excited to add these tote bags to our swag lineup – come join our events this upcoming academic year for a chance to bring one of these bags home.
The Design
When Maya submitted a design for the iSchool Bookmark Contest, we were blown away by their illustration skills and knew it had to be featured on a bigger item. For the tote bags, we gave Maya the design prompt of community in the iSchool, and they added life to it with their signature animal illustrations and cozy colours.
We asked Maya a couple questions to get to know them better.

Self-portrait by Maya Parker.
How did you get into drawing and illustration?
I didn’t really “get into” drawing so much as I just never stopped; it was always something I’d liked doing since I was really little, and it’s something to do with my hands that I can take with me anywhere I go.
What’s something you love to draw?
I really like to draw animals, which anyone who sits near or behind me in class can attest to. Last term, I was drawing a lot of whales, and the term before that I was really into crocodiles.
What’s something you find challenging to draw?
I find drawing buildings, and anything with straight lines and rigid structure very difficult.
What’s your favourite thing about the UBC iSchool?
My favourite thing about the iSchool is the kitchen – I tell everyone I know about it. I love using the kettle to make a little cup of tea before class.