Congratulations to UBC iSchool students Dothlyn MacFarlane and Kayla Hilstob, who recently completed a project with UBC’s Financial Operations and the University Archives’ Records Management Office (RMO).
The RMO worked with Financial Operations to improve management accountability, workflow efficiency, and reduce risk posed by ungoverned information saved on its network shared drives. The RMO conducted an initial assessment of the Financial Operations shared drives, and then utilized the expertise of Dothlyn and Kayla. Dothlyn completed a shared drive analysis in 2016 and prepared a set of recommendations. Financial Operations then hired Kayla for an eight-month co-op term to work with the RMO and implement recommendations in Dothlyn’s report.
Kayla applied best practices, working with RMO and the Financial Operations unit managers and staff to create a structured drive based on records management retention schedules. “Reducing risk isn’t only about securing access to a folder; we also have to structure the drive to ensure easy removal of records that we no longer need,” said Barbara.
As this involved substantial workflow changes for staff in Financial Operations, Kayla designed and conducted training workshops.
“The workshops were a great way to not only communicate the changes happening at Financial Operations, but to improve recordkeeping practices in daily work with university records, keeping this project sustainable over time,” said Kayla.
Read the full profile on the UBC Records Management Office website.