LIBR 535 (3) Instructional Role of the Librarian


MAS students: Completion of the MAS Core courses, plus permission of the instructor.

MLIS and Dual students: Some electives can be taken in conjunction with the MLIS Core courses; consult with the MLIS Program Chair for recommendations.

GOAL: The goal of this course is to provide students with a foundation in learning theory, instructional design, and information literacy. With this foundation, students will be able to design, deliver, and evaluate instructional programs in a wide range of information service contexts, including but not limited to academic, special, school, and public libraries, media centres, and archives. Students will gain valuable skills in organizing learning activities, presenting material effectively, and addressing the needs of a wide range of users.


Upon completion of this course students will be able to:

  • Describe the attributes of contemporary learners [1.1]*
  • Identify the learning needs of diverse user populations [1.1]*
  • Develop learning objectives for specific users [1.3]*
  • Identify, compare, and apply theories of learning and instruction [4.1]*
  • Apply the concept of information literacy to information-based teaching [1.3]*
  • Design lesson plans based on learning needs assessment [1.1]*
  • Select and organize pedagogical strategies to meet learning objectives [1.2]*
  • Deliver instruction face-to-face and online [2.1, 2.2, 5.3]*
  • Critique face-to-face instruction and e-learning objects [1.4]*
  • Develop formative and summative assessments for instructional activities [3.2, 4.2]*
  • Connect instructional practice with institutional goals and priorities [1.4, 5.2]*
  • Assess ethical situations in teaching and learning [5.1]*

* Course objectives are stated in terms of student learning outcomes and reference the iSchool Statement on Graduate Competencies.


  • Current trends in information skills instruction
  • Theories of learning and cognition
  • Foundations of instructional design
  • Theory and practice of intermediation
  • Information literacy models, concepts, and applications
  • Understanding the needs of diverse learners
  • Presentation/ engagement techniques
  • Technology mediated instruction
  • Instructional evaluation
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