LIBR 524 (3) Writing, Publishing and the Book Trade for Children


MAS students: Completion of the MAS Core courses, plus permission of the instructor.

MLIS and Dual students: Some electives can be taken in conjunction with the MLIS Core courses; consult with the MLIS Program Chair for recommendations.

GOAL: To provide students with knowledge of international and Canadian publishing and the book trade for children. To provide students with an understanding of how to write for children in different genres and an opportunity to create written manuscripts for children.


Upon completion of this course students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of international and Canadian publishing and the book trade for children
  • Discuss trends and issues in Canadian publishing and the book trade for children
  • Understand the process of developing a children’s book from manuscript to finished book and from reviews to purchases in book stores and by libraries and schools
  • Discuss the process of writing for children in different genres
  • Demonstrate experience in writing for children


  • History of publishing and the book trade for children
  • History of Canadian publishing for children
  • Process of book development from manuscript to final children’s book
  • Process following publication of children’s books: from distribution, wholesale, children’s bookstores, libraries and schools, reviews and awards
  • The writing process in different genres
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