UBC iSchool Alumni Night

Thursday April 4, 2024
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Join us for an evening of reflection and discovery as UBC iSchool alumni return to give insight into their careers after graduation, and how they have utilized their experiences at the iSchool to carve their own paths. This event will feature a panel discussion with alumni, as well as both facilitated and unstructured networking. Refreshments will be provided.


  • Emily Larson (MASLIS ’20), Records and Information Management Analyst at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC
  • Jocelyn McKay (MLIS ’17), Research Manager at UBC’s School of Biomedical Engineering
  • Zakir Jamal Suleman (MLIS ’22), Service Designer at the DTES SRO Collaborative
  • Kajola Morewood (MLIS ’21), Aboriginal Programs Manager at Emily Carr University of Art and Design
  • Elizabeth Fernandes (MLIS ’20), Humanities and Social Sciences Librarian for UBC’s Virtual Reference Services
  • Melissa Adams (MAS ’06), Librarian and Archivist at the Union of BC Indian Chiefs