LIBR 596 (3) Professional Experience [cross-listed with ARST 596]

These guidelines are designed to give students and supervisors an understanding of the nature, scope, and requirements of the Professional Experience course.

For any questions about the Professional Experience, please contact the Educational Services Manager at


MAS students: Completion of the MAS Core courses, plus permission of the instructor.

MLIS and Dual students: Some electives can be taken in conjunction with the MLIS Core courses; consult with the MLIS Program Chair for recommendations.


After completion of a Professional Experience project, the student will have developed the following:

  • Experience and skill in applying theory to a particular area of professional practice in a particular library, organization, or information service
  • Experience in project planning and management, under supervision, but with considerable independence and initiative
  • Skills in time management and priority planning
  • Interpersonal skills needed to work professionally and effectively within an institution or organization


Professional Experience course provides students an opportunity to work on a project in the field, under supervision of an experienced librarian, archivist, or records manager, for course credit. Students spend 120 hours on the project, equivalent to the time they are expected to spend on a regular course. The project is typically carried out over a 12-week term, but it can be condensed into a shorter time frame if that is agreeable to both the student and the supervisor. Projects spanning more than a term are also permitted, though students may not significantly exceed 120 hours in total work.


  • Projects should have considerable intellectual, analytical and critical challenge of a professional nature, and with some definable outcome.
  • Students should be able to carry out the project work with considerable degree of independence.
  • Ideally projects should be designed to be completed in the estimated 120 hours. Projects may be components of a larger project, however.
  • A professional librarian or archivist must agree to supervise the student.


This is a pass/fail course. A pass grade awarded when the agreed upon terms of the project are met and upon submission of all of the required written reports from the student.


Students are not allowed to receive both credit and financial rewards for the project, however, acknowledgement of the student’s contribution to any publication resulting from the project is expected.



  • Regular communication channels should be established between student and supervisor, including an initial meeting to come to an agreement about the nature and expectations of the project, the amount of supervision expected, and opportunities to provide feedback on the student’s performance. If the supervisor and student will not be working in daily contact, we recommend weekly meetings at the very minimum, depending on the nature and scope of the project.
  • Supervisors are asked to complete the Supervisor Interim Report form about mid-way through the project and the Supervisor’s Final Report Survey  upon completion of the project.


All the documents below are accessible via the iSchool Resources website.

  • A Project Plan is required before project work begins. The plan outlines the timeline and target dates of project deliverables (including due dates for BOTH interim reports) and should be approved by the Supervisor. Once the plan is received students will be registered in the course by the Educational Services Coordinator. Examples of Project Plans available on the iSchool Resources site.
  • Students are required to complete the Hands on Learning Agreement document before beginning their placement.
  • One Student Interim Report: This report should discuss how the project is progressing, any new skills/knowledge acquired, insight you may have gained regarding your own interests and strengths, reflections on the field, and any problems/issues that have come up.
  • Final Student Report: to be submitted upon completion of the project ORPoster Submission: See submission guidelines and use the online form to upload your poster!


There are two ways to set up a project:

  1. Organizations wishing to set up a Professional Experience project with a student may submit a Project Proposal Form. Approved projects are posted to students on the iSchool Job Blog, under the category Professional Experience. Students: Check the brief project descriptions; if one interests you, contact the Educational Services Coordinator for the full proposal. You then apply by submitting a resume and cover letter via the online form. The Educational Services Coordinator receives submissions, and will contact the project hosts.
  2. Students may initiate a project by approaching organizations about possible projects suitable for the course and their experience. A resume MUST be included in this process. Once a project idea is agreed upon between student and organization, a Project Proposal Form should be completed by the Supervisor and submitted to the School for approval, via the Educational Services Coordinator.

In either case, once a project has been approved, the student will work with the host to develop a project plan. Both the project plan and resume are to be sent to the Educational Services Coordinator, who will register the student in the course.


The Educational Services Coordinator will register the students in the course once the project has been approved by the School and a project plan has been submitted and approved. The student is responsible for determining a project plan with the project supervisor, and must complete the Hands on Learning Agreement before starting work.


All the documents below are accessible via the iSchool Resources website.


  • Professional Experience Project Proposal Form
  • Supervisor Interim Report form
  • Supervisor’s Final Report Survey


  • A Project Plan template
  • Hands on Learning Agreement form
  • Professional Experience Application form
  • Student Interim Report form
  • Final Student Report form
  • Student Risk Insurance form

For more information contact:
Educational Services Manager
Phone (604) 822-2461
Fax: (604) 822-6006

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