LIBR 516 (3) Information Asset Management


MAS students: Completion of the MAS Core courses, plus permission of the instructor.

MLIS and Dual students: Some electives can be taken in conjunction with the MLIS Core courses; consult with the MLIS Program Chair for recommendations.

GOAL: In accordance with the mission of the University of British Columbia, and with the mission of the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, this course is designed to prepare students to lead organizations in the management of records in all formats produced and received during the course of the organization’s operations and functions.

More specifically, students will be able to identify an organization’s mandate, and to design, implement and evaluate an efficient and effective records and information management program which provides intellectual control over the records and information within the organization. As the volume and formats of office records grow in organizations, librarians are frequently required to extend their programs to include records and information management. Knowledge of such systems is a job requirement for special librarians.


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Define the concept of a “record”
  • Describe the history and philosophy of records and information management in Canada
  • Describe the connections between libraries, archives and records management
  • Manage the planning function in information programming
  • Plan and implement a program for records generation and control; records retrieval and systems, and records retention scheduling and design
  • Incorporate into programs the requirements for the Canadian legal retention of information, including records as evidence, and the compliance with access to information and privacy legislation
  • Evaluate the selection and use of records centres
  • Plan and implement records protection and vital records programs and corporate disaster plans
  • Plan and implement programs with consideration to general management concerns – staffing; establishing and selling programs
  • Explain the types of technologies employed for information management: electronic, micrographic, imaging
  • Incorporate into programs the appropriate techniques for managing the records of the new technologies


  • Access to information and privacy legislation governing public sector organizations;
  • Active records control procedures
  • Archives in the continuum of records management
  • Best records management practices
  • Canadian legislation with respect to records retention
  • Change management
  • Competencies, staffing program management in records management
  • Convergence with other disciplines, areas of work
  • Design and implementation of schedules
  • Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS)
  • Electronic records and documents
  • Electronic records management software
  • Evidence and electronic records;
  • History and development of records management in Canada
  • How to design a records classification system
  • Industry and International Standards and records management
  • Information Regulation, Policies and Procedures
  • Information security: Records Management as risk management
  • Information storage technologies
  • Introduction to Records and Information Management (RIM)
  • ISO 14589 – 1 (International Standard for Records Management)
  • Issues, challenges, problems, proposed models
  • Knowledge Management
  • Life cycle or continuum of records
  • Mail and electronic mail issues
  • Management of electronic records
  • Management Tools – RFP; Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Managing Records Management
  • Marketing Records Management Programs
  • Program elements and components
  • Records and information distribution control
  • Records classification
  • Records disposition
  • Regulation of privacy in the private sector (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act)
  • Similarities and distinctions between records management, archives and libraries
  • Storage of inactive records – records centre operation
  • The business disaster protection and recovery plan
  • The essential argument for recorded information management
  • The life cycle of records: Active records management
  • The life cycle of records: records creation and capture
  • The life cycle of records: records retention schedules
  • Vital records classification and protection;
  • Work flow and business process analysis
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