LIBR 509 (3) Foundations of Bibliographic Control *


MLIS and Dual students: LIBR 508

Core courses in the MLIS program can only be taken by students registered in the MLIS program.

GOAL: Serves as an introduction to issues in organization of information and documents including: analysis of intellectual and physical characteristics of documents; principles and practice in surrogate creation, including standards and selection of metadata elements; theory of classification, including semantic relationships and facet analysis; creation of controlled vocabularies; and display and arrangement. Provides the student with the analytical tools to assess how information is organized in an information system.


Upon completion of this course students will be able to:

  • Describe the basic nature and characteristics of documents [1.2]*
  • Describe the basic purposes and processes of authority control [1.1]*
  • Explain core issues in the selection, arrangement, and formation of metadata elements in surrogates [1.2]*
  • Analyze and classify subjects on a conceptual level [1.2, 2.1, 3.1]*
  • Compare different types of classification schemes and controlled vocabularies [1.2, 2.1]*
  • Describe the purposes of bibliographic control and resource discovery [1.2, 2.1]*
  • Describe the general role of resource description and access in the information transfer process, and its particular role in information systems design and operation [1.1, 1.2]*

* Course objectives are stated in terms of student learning outcomes and reference the iSchool Statement on Graduate Competencies.


  • Purpose and foundations of cataloguing
  • Description principles, practices and standards
  • Common tools used in cataloguing
  • Evaluation of catalogues and cataloguing work
  • Subject heading work and classification work in the library catalogue
  • MARC encoding of bibliographic descriptions
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