UBC iSchool Syllabus EDI Survey Report

Tuesday, March 15
12:00 – 13:30 p.m.
Online (via Zoom – Meeting details below)


In 2020, the School of Information (iSchool) Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee received a request from iSchool students for a review of iSchool’s syllabi from an EDI perspective. In Summer 2021, the committee designed and distributed a survey to help iSchool faculty assess the extent to which they were incorporating EDI principles and practices in their courses.

This event will provide an opportunity for student members of the EDI committee to report the findings from this survey, to have a conversation with other students about their impressions and experiences about the iSchool environment, and, finally, provide a forum for students to give feedback and offer further directions.

In order to preserve confidentiality and allow for freer discussion, no faculty members will be present at the meeting, and no personally-identifying information will be recorded.


Zoom Meeting Details
Meeting link: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/62496659963?pwd=Q3pqckg2WHFLdE00Z1dJaUdEQ1pTZz09
Meeting ID: 624 9665 9963
Passcode: 643302