Indigitization Futures Forum

Indigitization Futures Forum
June 10-12, 2016
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

You’ve digitized vital community knowledge, but now do you wonder what’s next in both managing and providing culturally appropriate access going forward? The Indigitization Futures Forum brings together past participants with others concerned with the management of Indigenous Knowledge in communities. Through panel presentations and dialogues, the Forum seeks to identify what are the needs for developing culturally appropriate systems and services. A goal of this gathering is to inform how Indigitization should orient funding and services for the program going forward.
Workshops on the Mukurtu content management system, VHS digitization, and image digitization will also be available on a first come basis.

Where: UBC First Nations Longhouse, Vancouver, BC, on the traditional, unceded territory of the Musqueam people

Who Should Attend: People working in or with BC First Nations, Métis, and Inuit community institutions and agencies that have the preservation of digital information and media resources as part of their mandate. Types of institutions and agencies may include resource centres, genealogical centres, land use centres, and centres of governance (i.e. Band Council offices)

Registration Cost: $100 plus GST (includes workshops **limited spaces**, forum events, hosted meals on Saturday and Sunday, and community dinner at the Musqueam Cultural Centre.) Register at:

Accommodations: On-campus rooms at a special conference rate have been put aside. Limited availability; please book ASAP at or call 1-888-822-1030 and quote Group Code P160609A

Questions can be directed to Sarah Dupont at at (604) 827-0342. See for more info

Event Sponsored by: the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, the Museum of Anthropology, the School of Library, Archival, and Information Studies, the Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies, and the First Nations House of Learning at UBC; and the Northern BC Archives & Special Collections at the University of Northern BC, the Vancouver Foundation, the Union of BC
Indian Chiefs, and the Sustainable Heritage Network